DPOLSIMUL (Dual POLarization SIMULation) has been developped for the simulation of dual-polarization radar observations.
The current version of DPOLSIMUL only includes the simulation of the scattering coefficients of a variety of hydrometeor types for a given radar wavelength (S, C, X, W, K...) using 2 fortran T-matrix routines.
The T-matrix method is a computational technique of light scattering by nonspherical particles originally formulated by Waterman (1965). The T-Matrix (T for Transition-matrix) allows to calculate the scattered field for a given incident field.
The dual-polarization radar variables can then be retrieved from the scattering coefficients, following equations given for example in the appendix of Augros et al (2016).
Other python codes not included in the git repository can also be shared upon request (to clotilde.augros@meteo.fr):- to calculate the dual-polarization radar variables from a MesoNH (.nc file) or AROME (ICMSH file) and the output of the T-matrix routines
- plot the model and radar variables
The procedure to download the code and its detailed documentation is explained in the wiki page.
Augros C, Caumont O, Ducrocq V, Gaussiat N, Tabary P. 2016. Comparisons between S, C, and X band polarimetric radar observations and convective-scale simulations of HyMeX first special observing period. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 142, Issue S1: 347–362, doi:10.1002/qj.2572, URL http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/qj.2572.
Borderies, M., Caumont, O., Augros, C., Bresson, É., Delanoë, J., Ducrocq, V., Fourrié, N., Bastard, T.L. and Nuret, M. (2018), Simulation of W-band radar reflectivity for model validation and data assimilation. Q.J.R. Meteorol. Soc., 144: 391-403. https://doi.org/10.1002/qj.3210
Le Bastard T. 2019. Utilisation des données radar volumiques et d’un modèle de PNT à haute résolution pour une meilleure estimation quantitative des précipitations en plaine et sur les massifs montagneux. PhD thesis, École doctorale Sciences de l’univers, de l’environnement et de l’espace (Toulouse), URL https://www.theses.fr/2019INPT0140.
Manager : clotilde augros, nicolas martin
Collaborator: clement soufflet
Développeur : clement soufflet, marie mazoyer, mary borderies, nicolas martin, olivier caumont, thibault desert, tony le bastard
Administrateur: nicolas martin