


Migration of snowtools code to github

Added by Léo Viallon Galinier 8 months ago

Dear Crocus users,

The snowtools code have been migrated today to github. The code is now publicly available at the following address : No more contributions will be accepted through website. Support will only be provided if you use the version available on github.

As some major merges and modification of the git history append, it is recommended to start from a new fresh install of snowtools, by cloning the new repository from

Temporarily, the bug reports and technical assistance (issues/demandes) remain on web site : Do not hesitate to submit an issue in case you met technical issues with this migration.

Additional changes impacting users

This migration was an opportunity to provide some significant changes to the snowtools code base that will impact users. The major changes are reported below.

Bronx ( python library have been moved outside of the snowtools repository. However, it remains a strong requirement for snowtools. It is therefore necessary to install bronx separately (cloning the github repository and placing the src directory in your PYTHONPATH or use a python virtual environment and just run "pip install bronx").

A new visualisation tool have been provided for SURFEX-Crocus snow profiles, called proplotter. A tool for comparing profiles from two different files (in the same geometry) is also available under the name of procompare. The old version is no longer available or supported.

s2m command have been widely rewritten to simplify available options. Please run "s2m research --help" for more details.
