



diane tzanos, 01/07/2020 09:59 AM

!ECO_LIC Copyright 2003-2014 Meteo-France
!ECO_LIC This is part of the ECOCLIMAP software and data files
!ECO_LIC governed by the CeCILL-C licence version 1
!ECO_LIC See LICENSE, CeCILL-C_V1-en.txt and CeCILL-C_V1-fr.txt
!ECO_LIC for details. version 1.


How to make its own surface parameters maps with ECOCLIMAP?


1) Input data
1.1) In the directory DATA_VEG :
the file containing the 215 ecosystems at 1km (ECOCLIMAP_I_GLOBAL_V1.5.dir)
(933120000 words expanded)
the file containing the 273 ecosystems at 1km (ECOCLIMAP_II_EUROP_V2.2.dir)
(1866240000 words expanded)

1.2 ) In the directory DATA_SOIL :
the file of clay fraction at 10km (clay_fao.dir)
( 9331200 words expanded)
and clay_fao.hdr
the file of sand fraction at 10km (sand_fao.dir)
( 9331200 words expanded)
and sand_fao.hdr

2) programs to compute the parameters are in the directory: SRC

3) to run the programs:

You need a FORTRAN90 compiler.
Edit the script script_compile to use your OWN compiler, with its own
options. Choose the write_cover_tex file functions of your compiler.
3 possible are gfortran, f95, pgf90. It needs to be done once.

The script script_compile will move the executable in the directory RUN

4) computation of the parameters:

It is highly recommended to use a separate directory to perform the
computations (the code is supposed to run in the RUN directory).

a) Modify the script_compile file in the directory SRC

c) Edit the ecoclimap.f90 program to choose your final resolution
and your domain. All explaination are given in the program itself.

d) run the script script_compile

e) GO TO the RUN directory and run ecoclimap.exe
The execution time may vary from one computer (and compiler) from
another. For example, it take 1h to have the parameters aggregated
at 1 degre of resolution at a global scale on a 1GHz Linux PC.
The execution time depends linearly of the number of OUTPUT points
(not input points).
So, at 0.5 degre of resolution at a global scale, it would spend 4h
to run.

f) look-up tables are printed in the class_cover_data.tex file.

5) Output parameters

Results are coded in output files directly in the RUN directory.
There is one file per data and per month. Files are binaries files.
The output file names are defined as follows:



PARAM=name of the parameter:

parameters defined for each tile:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"frac_tile": fraction of each tile on the continental part
(excluding towns). So, these tiles are not defined
where there is no continent, and their sum is equal
to 1 on continent, whatever the water or town covers:
Sum (frac_tileNN) = 1.

"lai" : Leaf Area Index
"veg" : vegetation fraction (green + dead)
"greeness" : greeness fraction

"alb" : albedo (vegetation+soil), WITHOUT snow
alb field is made using alb_veg and alb_soil fields:

"alb_veg" : vegetation albedo (without the bare soil part).
"alb_soil" : bare soil albedo (without the vegetation part).

"emis" : emissivity (vegetation+soil), WITHOUT snow
"rsmin" : Minimal stomathal resistance
"z0" : roughness length
"z0h" : roughness length for heat

"d_root" : root depth
"d_soil" : total soil depth

parameters defined once, for any number of tiles:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"clay" : clay fraction
"sand" : sand fraction

"F_bare" : fraction of totally bare soil over continent
"F_lowv" : fraction of low vegetation over continent
"F_tree" : fraction of woody vegetation over continent
F_bare + F_lowv + F_tree = 1.
"F_urb" : urbanization fraction
"F_wat" : water fraction (seas and lakes)

"f_*" : fraction of each vegetation type over continent
Sum (f_*) = 1.

"glob_alb" : global albedo (all tiles, town and water averaged)
"glob_emis": global emissivity (all tiles, town and water averaged)

and where, if necessary:

NN= month (1=january, 12=december),
or decade (1=first decade of january, 36=last decade of december)

TT= value of the tile described in this file

NSCALE= averaging value (see program ecoclimap.f90)

6) Reading of the output files

There is an exemple of short program encapsulated in a shell script
( to read the output files in fortran. Here, the program
write 10*LAI in integer in a ASCII file.


All questions or remarks can be addressed to

The scientific references for ECOCLIMAP are :
Masson V., Champeaux J.-L., Chauvin F., Meriguet C., and Lacaze R.:
A Global Database of Land Surface Parameters at 1-km Resolution in
Meteorological and Climate Models, J. Clim., 16,1261-1282, 2003.

Faroux, S., Kaptué Tchuenté, A. T., Roujean, J.-L., Masson, V., Martin, E.,
and Le Moigne, P.: ECOCLIMAP-II/Europe: a twofold database of ecosystems
and surface parameters at 1 km resolution based on satellite information
for use in land surface, meteorological and climate models, Geosci. Model Dev.,
6, 563-582, doi:10.5194/gmd-6-563-2013, 2013.