


CrocO user doc

Snowpack models suffer for large errors and uncertainties which limit their use, in particular for spatialised applications. CrocO is an ensemble data assimilation system designed to tackle this issue. In this framework, an ensemble of models quantifies snowpack modelling errors. These errors are reduced by assimilating snowpack observations, using a Particle Filter (PF). Several innovative versions of the PF are developed within CrocO, to solve for spatialisation issues [Cluzet, B., Lafaysse, M., Cosme, E., Albergel, C., Meunier L.-F., and Dumont, M. CrocO_v1.0 : a Particle Filter to assimilate snowpack observations in a spatialised framework, Geoscientific Model Development, in press,]

This development has to been combined with the snowtools package.

The user documentation is available at:
The technical documentation is available at: